To Know That It’s There  is a first-peron atmospheric walking simulator/experience of phoning a bustling queer bar/club to hear its sounds, without being able to enter and experience it visually. To Know That It’s There aims to embody loneliness and isolation amongst Queer folks who may not be able to find or connect with the community for various reasons.

Use WASD or Arrow Keys to move. Press ESC to see cursor. 

This experience is inspired by an excerpt of an interview from Marie Cartier's book, Baby, You Are My Religion.

Informant: Well, I had insomnia. I used to phone up all the gay bars, just to hear them answer the phone … Just to hear the noise, oh yes.
Interviewer: So you would call and just be on the phone?
Informant: No, I would just hear the noise and the laughter in the background. I just wanted to be there.
Interviewer: … it helped you just to know it was out there? (Pause)
Interviewer: … that’s a really special story.
Informant: Yeah, oh God.

I'm sorry if the Menu Screen doesn't work after being called again. I've admitted defeat in that regard, I fear. 

Made withUnity

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